le théâtre de l’intime

After Only Connect, the first Body and Soul/Corps et Âme production, (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMitchHooper), and before tackling Shakespeare, I want to look at a number of plays dealing with the theme of the couple: two by Harold Pinter, « The Lover » and « Ashes to Ashes », one by James Saunders, « Bodies », one by Roland Schimmelpfennig, « Peggy Pickit », and two of mine, “Living The


le chantier Shakespeare

This is a long-term goal for the company: to stage Shakespeare’s plays in both English and French and to use this experience to create new, original, large-scale work, including a series of bilingual plays, the Borderline trilogy. SHAKESPEARE (dossier Macbeth et Comme il vous plaira)