Tumult in the Clouds

Original screenplay in English. Adapted from my play of the same name. Short Synopsis While the Americans try to obtain the release of their Embassy personnel held hostage in Teheran, the Shah of Iran is the guest of General Torrijos of Panama, guarded by Colonel Noriega. Three dictators (past, present and future) on a small


le théâtre de l’intime

After Only Connect, the first Body and Soul/Corps et Âme production, (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMitchHooper), and before tackling Shakespeare, I want to look at a number of plays dealing with the theme of the couple: two by Harold Pinter, « The Lover » and « Ashes to Ashes », one by James Saunders, « Bodies », one by Roland Schimmelpfennig, « Peggy Pickit », and two of mine, “Living The


le chantier Shakespeare

This is a long-term goal for the company: to stage Shakespeare’s plays in both English and French and to use this experience to create new, original, large-scale work, including a series of bilingual plays, the Borderline trilogy. SHAKESPEARE (dossier Macbeth et Comme il vous plaira)

Les Traîtres

A romantic triangle among communists helping the FLN in south-west France during the Algerian War. Only in French