Welcome to mitchhooper.com! Feel free to browse around and see if anything takes your fancy. This site is a work in progress and the English part tends to lag behind a little, so let me know if anything’s missing or not working properly. Since Harold Pinter’s death, I’ve somewhat turned my back on English theatre and cinema, and it’s about time I set that right. I have plays and screenplays available for production, most of which you can get a glimpse of here. I’ve given up on my plan to launch a bilingual theatre company based in Paris – I managed seven productions in French with my company Body and Soul, but never found any partners for the English part. I’m now giving up on production altogether, as I am clearly not cut out for it. I shall be concentrating on my creative work and am more than open to anyone interested in producing it. If you fancy producing any of the plays or screenplays you can find here, please get in touch.