Welcome to mitchhooper.com! Feel free to browse around and see if anything takes your fancy. This site is a work in progress and the english part may lag behind a little, so let me know if anything’s missing or not working properly. Since Harold Pinter’s death, I’ve somewhat turned my back on english theatre and cinema, and it’s about time I set that right. I have plays and screenplays available for production, most of which you can get a glimpse of here. I’m also keen to develop the english wing of my theatre company Body and Soul. It’s based in Paris, so English-speaking, Paris-based actors, please feel free to get in touch. I’m currently envisaging an English language version of Pinter’s The Lover and Ashes to Ashes to tour with the french version, for which I’ll need an actor and an actress, English, between 35 and 50 odd, with an ear for Pinter’s dialogue, to form a credible couple in each of the two plays. In the long term I’d like to build up a body of actors to form a loosely-knit company to tour in both English and French in France and beyond.