Only Connect

Mobile phones, internet, text messages, e-mails, chats : the means of communication multiply but do we communicate any more effectively as a result ? Six characters in search of love meet up, seduce each other, fall in love, fall out of love, argue, hate each other, split up, meet someone else and start again. False identities, true


Living The Lie

The starting point for Living The Lie is a true story: after twenty years of pretending to be a doctor working for the World Health Organisation in Geneva, Jean-Claude Romand murdered his parents, wife and children and set fire to his house. He failed to kill himself and so was subsequently brought to trial and


le théâtre de l’intime

After Only Connect, the first Body and Soul/Corps et Âme production, (, and before tackling Shakespeare, I want to look at a number of plays dealing with the theme of the couple: two by Harold Pinter, « The Lover » and « Ashes to Ashes », one by James Saunders, « Bodies », one by Roland Schimmelpfennig, « Peggy Pickit », and two of mine, “Living The


le chantier Shakespeare

This is a long-term goal for the company: to stage Shakespeare’s plays in both English and French and to use this experience to create new, original, large-scale work, including a series of bilingual plays, the Borderline trilogy. SHAKESPEARE (dossier Macbeth et Comme il vous plaira)


Harold Pinter. Théâtre Lucernaire, autumn 2009. Autumn 2010. Tour 2011-2012. Avignon 2012.  Revue de presse à télécharger  

Women of Manhattan

J.P. Shanley. Manufacture des Abbesses,  2008. Women of Manhattan – press

The Dumb Waiter

Harold Pinter. Théâtre Essaïon spring 2007, autumn 2007 and autumn 2008-spring 2009. Revue de presse à télécharger

La Main Passe

Théâtre des Deux Rives, Charenton Novembre 2004.  Théâtre du Nord-Ouest 2004-2005 ; au Théâtre Mouffetard 2005-2006 ; Théâtre Michel 2008 ;  tour 2006-2007 et 2008-2009.   Revue de presse à télécharger

Long Day’s Journey Into Night

Eugene O’Neill. Théâtre du Nord-Ouest, 2003.     &nbsp

love exists

A man wakes up in a hospital bed. A woman he doesn’t know is there to ask him questions. Two little girls have disappeared.   Extract: A room in a hospital. Paul asleep in a bed. Diane sitting on a chair at the foot of the bed. A puzzle on a table. Paul wakes up.