Mobile phones, internet, text messages, e-mails, chats : the means of communication multiply but do we communicate any more effectively as a result ? Six characters in search of love meet up, seduce each other, fall in love, fall out of love, argue, hate each other, split up, meet someone else and start again. False identities, true
While the England football team is busy getting eliminated from the World Cup and there are riots going on in nearby boroughs, Lennon’s second-hand record shop is under threat of being developed into the kitchen of an Italian restaurant run by his not-quite half-brother, Georgette… Extract : GEORGETTE Well then? Pause What’ve you got to say
The starting point for Living The Lie is a true story: after twenty years of pretending to be a doctor working for the World Health Organisation in Geneva, Jean-Claude Romand murdered his parents, wife and children and set fire to his house. He failed to kill himself and so was subsequently brought to trial and
A neuropsychiatrist deals with two patients traumatised like her by the Second World War and explores the working of human memory both individual and collective. “To restore the human subject at the centre – the suffering, afflicted, fighting, human subject – we must deepen a case history to a narrative or tale…” from “The Man
A french farce I never got round to doing in English
A man wakes up in a hospital bed. A woman he doesn’t know is there to ask him questions. Two little girls have disappeared. Extract: A room in a hospital. Paul asleep in a bed. Diane sitting on a chair at the foot of the bed. A puzzle on a table. Paul wakes up. DIANE
Three monologues to be played separately or together. There is no English version of this, it’s just too rooted in everyday life in Paris in the early 1990’s
A rock star with a death wish tops the bill at a huge outdoor concert for charity. Only in English and not currently available from my computer. This is the play I am adapting into a novel